Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"Does Mummy work?"

While playing cars and trucks with my two and a half year old son yesterday, he was telling me that one of them was daddy on his way to work, and then he went through his nearest and dearest; his grandparents and his beloved aunty, explaining to me that each of them were in his little vehicles off to work. I thought I would ask him a question to see what he felt about what his mummy does... "Master 2, does mummy work?". His response without batting an eyelash was "No." He then went on to continue playing while I had one of those "mum" moments.

At this point I wasn't sure how I should feel about his answer. A part of me was fuming and thinking about all the work I do in the house to keep it's day to day running as smoothly as possible, cooking, cleaning and everything else in between. Not to mention the running around for Playgroup and Gymbaroo each week. And then there is the two actual businesses I run from home in my spare (?) time.

And then it dawned on me... the reason I have chosen to run businesses from home is so that my day to day time with my son is not in any way effected. While household tasks are at any time of the day, I only "work" when he is sleeping or being looked after elsewhere.

In time he will come to realise what "work" mummy does, but I'm happy for his first few years to be oblivious to it, and for us to just enjoy the precious time we have together. So while my stress levels at times may be high and my mind full of things to add to my to-do list, I'm happy to know that it is not effecting the most important people in my life. And isn't that the reason I'm doing it in the first place?


  1. I Hear You! Often when we mums work from home, and work on-line, it can seem to our family that we are just "playing on the computer"! My children like to see what projects I am working on now and seem to understand what I do more than anyone else in the extended family!!

    Found you through the Motivating Mum Biz Carnival... Judi.
    Blue Bird Internet Marketing

  2. Yay! Great perspective lovely - you're obviously doing a great job of making it look as if you're not at work yourself at all, cheers! Alli x


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